BroadSword Cruiser |
I am needing photos painted models to put on the web site . i have some but due to the casting part of my company i am tied up and not enough time to paint and finish models , plus i stink at photos. so any help would be great and i know you guys have some great painted models , Ive seen them.
what i need are clear crisp [b]single 3/4 views[/b] with no background to place in the image boxs for the site. Plus we have a gallery we would like to fill, these pics can be game related, battles or fleets, Landcore , Horrids , Mechs ,ect. with or with out backgrounds up to you.
if you have pics and we use them you will get a discount coupon to use on your next order .plus surprise goodies ..
so if you can help please email photos to
post subject WEB PHOTO.
also send your name if you wish to be identified with the photo.
we are looking to kick off the web site in two weeks.
big thanks
Can the gallery shots have other mini lines appearing? My purchases were for use with another manufacturer's product.
Depends on if we can crop them out. I dont know if i have any legal issues having someone elses product on my we site. thats my min worry.
In my blog you can find a lot of photos of your models, feel free to ask me what do you want. I can take special photos for you. Just say that I have taken the photos.
Take care.
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