Jaguar Mk1 . ok a few more pics showing the diffrent configurations and all th eparts avaible at the moment. You can see i used .25 magnets ( love them) in alot of the parts , arms , weapons , atms and sensor arrays. even the belly gun turrnet , so it can be postion how ever you like. all of the missle systems fit and the Jaguar comes with 2 diffrent cockpit domes, one more like a flight dome and the othe ra armored version. The Flamer the large grey gun , comes with a extra set of tanks that mount in place of the rear ground explosive.Weapons can be mounted either via direct mount in the Torso or on extrned arm mounts. All and all i really like how the Jaguar turned out . Now to th epaint booth. If your interested in getting one , just email me for cost and more pics. plus all the weapons and parts you see are avaible.

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