Monday, February 23, 2015

Winter SALE 20% off every thing.

hi everyone , winter is still here and sales are slow so i thought we would have a 20% off sale all week. A new ship has been added to the New star 1 line , the Earth ship Mason class.
and for our 15mm lines we just uploaded a ton of new Horrid .
you will love these . plus we have cluster packs.

you can see every thing at my web site.

any questions just email me at

Friday, February 06, 2015

Urban Mech , a few more pics.

The 1/60th scale Urban mech is out of the molds and shipping. the Model is 6.5 inchs tall.This is the standard set up , AC10 and small laser. i am also throwing in a RAC to play with . the Kit is $65 and  has 18 parts.if you are interested email me at . these are a limited run. close to half are gone so get them while you can...

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

1/60th scale URBAN Mech , and a little apc with tracks.

Hey a little update. Well after getting through a little Illness and back on my feet , most of my time has been catching up with orders , but during the evening i was able to finish up a project long in the Making. I really like mechs and wanted to add to my mech collection, so ive been working on a Urban mech , some thing to do a little city fighting. a nice companion peace for my Panther. these will be a short run and once they are gone thats it. email me if your interested.
Ive also worked up tracks for my landcore Blazer APC to convert it from grav , to tracks. :)