Saturday, June 18, 2011

New star 1 Izumi fleet.

I wanted to do a quick update on the New Star 1 line, the Izumi system fleet.The Planetary body Izumi , 3rd Moon orbiting around 4th planet of the New star 1 system. I wanted to let you see these and will relay more later one. in the mean while email me for more information , pics , how to purchase, at
New Star 1
Izumi System Fleet
1.Hotaru class 1.5" L 3for $12
2.Kasumi class1.5"L 2for$12
3.Misaki class 1.7/8"L $8 each
4.Kazumi class 2" L $8 each
5.Youko class 2" L $8 each
6.Akagi class 2.5" L $10 each
7. Soryu Class 3" L $12 each
8.Thunderbolt class 2.5" L $8 each
9.Cheyenne class 1.75" L $8 each
10.Hornet class 1.75" L $2 for $10

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guardian Basecarrier ( Razor)

Ok as promised, the Razor Guardian BaseCarrier , i had a blast building it , it comes in 2 parts and is over 4 inchs long. there were very fewphotos of it and not dimentions but i think i did good job on it. i post pics with some of the new and old destoryers for scale. the Guardian will sale for $20 once its on the web site but until then i am selling it for $ get it while you can for the low price.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

New Battlecarriers and TM Destoryers
A new set of releases for the Tinmen line, 1st a Colonial battlecarrier the Guardian , with heavy guns and even larger hanger bays , this ship is designed to carry Colonail Marines to the heart of the fight. built for fast massive launchs and retrivals , this ship can handel its own. next the Defender Gunstar , designed for toe to toe fights.
next comes every fleets watch dogs , destoryers , Tinmen destoryers , 4th area design. Harpy class , fast light and great at anity fighter screening. Syren , a EMC ship , can sneak in and take your planet by surprise.
Cyclone class , Med guns ,fast and carries a light fighter flight.
finally the Tempest class Destoryer , the work horse , lots of guns and 2 light fighter flight.
if you are interested , just drop me a line at and ask for price list for all my models and more photos. thanks
Guardian Battlestar 3.25 " L $12 each
Defender Gunstar 3.25 " L $10 each
1.TM: TM Basecarrier ( used for scale.)
2.TM: Harpy destoryer escort 2"Lx.50" H 2 for $12
3.TM: Syren EMC destroyer 2"Lx.75" H 2 for $12
4.TM: Cyclone destoryer 2"Lx.50 " H 2 for $12
5. TM: Tempest destoryer 2"Lx.75" H 2 for $12