Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jaguar Mk1 . ok a few more pics showing the diffrent configurations and all th eparts avaible at the moment. You can see i used .25 magnets ( love them) in alot of the parts , arms , weapons , atms and sensor arrays. even the belly gun turrnet , so it can be postion how ever you like. all of the missle systems fit and the Jaguar comes with 2 diffrent cockpit domes, one more like a flight dome and the othe ra armored version. The Flamer the large grey gun , comes with a extra set of tanks that mount in place of the rear ground explosive.Weapons can be mounted either via direct mount in the Torso or on extrned arm mounts. All and all i really like how the Jaguar turned out . Now to th epaint booth. If your interested in getting one , just email me for cost and more pics. plus all the weapons and parts you see are avaible.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Alright , back to the Mechs . This is the First of my T.A.M (Tactical Armored Mechs) line. The Jaguar MK1. THis is a 1/60th scale mech model that can be used as a collectble model or even better in 28 mm war games. With over 48 parts and can be built toany pose you want. it comes two heavly armored weapons arms which can be built as either RC auto guns or Harvy lasers. the cockpit area is haoolw for customising the interior cockpit. in Jan 2011 i will have a full cockpit for sale.
it has rear mounted missle launchers or extended ecm and senor units. the model is design for a number of weapon systems coming in th enear future as will all models coming. the rear can be built with either a plan armored look or can mount a 1000 lb bomb which be dumped mid run to knock off those nasty bad guys.
there is also a extra set of fuel tanks for a up coming flamer . so lots to play with . If your intereseted email me for prices and more pics. also if purchased in Dec , you will receive a set of RC auto bolters.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hey everyone , just done with one Holiday and now into a new one , big time fun.
Well those of you who have been collecting Ravenstar models and minis know i started last year with a end of the year Free Give away model to say thanks for the support. I give these away with any purchase at the end of the year. Last year i made a model called The Wreck , a destoryed Battlestar , it was well liked. SO this year the new giveaway model is the Phantom Curiser from the Old space Ghost cartoon. I loved the ship when i was a kid and hope you like it too. Now to my surprise alot of people who have received thiers , did not know what it was ,( shows my age i guess) so here it is. hope to have one painted up soon.